Thursday, 3 January 2013

GSMArena's top 10 most popular news and reviews in 2012

Tags: GSMArena
2012 was a busy year for the smartphone industry, which worked pretty hard to produce some pretty good products we’ve ever seen. As expert reviewers we also had our hands full, trying to cover as many of the phones as we could get our hands on to make picking your next smartphone as easy as possible.
Naturally, you enjoyed some articles more than others, giving us a hint what type of articles we should focus more on doing in 2013. Now, let’s dig right in and take a walk down memory lane and see the top 10 most read news and reviews of last year.

Top 10 reviews

Two of the rockstars of the Android scene were undoubtedly the Samsung Galaxy S III and the HTC One X. We did review them separately, but the article to generate the most interest was their direct battle.
The Samsung Galaxy S III was selling like hot cake last year and so did our review of the Korean flagship. With more than 3,6 million views, we sure got most of your questions answered and helped you get more familiar with the smartphone.
Not surprisingly, our Apple iPhone 5 vs. Samsung Galaxy S III was the third most read article for last year. It would probably have been on top if the new Apple flagship had come out earlier. In fact, the Galaxy S III is so popular that it's involved in 5 of the 10 most popular review articles this year.
Here’s the full list of the most read articles on GSMArena for 2012.
1.Samsung I9300 Galaxy S III vs. HTC One X: Alien vs. Predator3,936,598
2.Samsung I9300 Galaxy S III review: S to the third3,618,932
3.Apple iPhone 5 vs. Samsung Galaxy S III: All rise2,746,015
4.Quad-core shootout: Four of a kind2,638,259
5.Samsung Galaxy S III vs. Galaxy S II: Intergalactic2,564,979
6.Sony Xperia S vs. Samsung Galaxy S II: S-hootout2,345,009
7.HTC One X review: eXtra special2,221,434
8.Sony Xperia S review: NXT of kin2,056,649
9.Sony Xperia U review: Fun united1,728,299
10.Samsung Galaxy S II ICS review: Sugar coated1,692,688

Top 10 news

It was a busy year for both Apple and Samsung and naturally, they occupied our top 10 news list.
The most important piece of news for 2012, according to your, our readers, was the official announcement of the iPhone 5. Rather unexpectedly, amidst all the flagship smartphone craze, the launch of the Galaxy S Duos and Galaxy Y Duos Lite sneaks up as second most read piece of news for last year.
The third place is taken by the Samsung's announcement of the Galaxy S III flagship, which isn't surprising considering its success in our review and versus-kind of articles.
Notable additions to the list are the announcements of the Nokia's 41 MP camera-rocking PureView 808 and the first ever smartphone with a full HD, the HTC J Butterfly, taking 6th and 9th place, respectively.
Interested about the rest of the rankings? Check out the table below.
1.Apple iPhone 5 goes official with an A6 chipset and 4-inch screen465,131
2.Samsung launches Galaxy S Duos and Galaxy Y Duos Lite366,479
3.The beast released: Samsung Galaxy S III is official340,357
4.Apple iPhone 5 aluminum shell plagued by chipping issues302,477
5.Apple's iPhone 5 event live coverage285,530
6.Nokia announces PureView 808 with a 41 MP sensor282,586
7.Samsung Galaxy S3 will launch in Blue and White253,258
8.More images of the Apple iPhone 5 surface243,338
9.HTC J butterfly announced in Japan with 5-inch, 1080p display236,735
10.Samsung Galaxy S III alleged official photo and specs leak235,034

We are hoping 2013 will be even more action packed with exciting smartphones generating even more fierce competition for the consumer's attention.
Now let's pass the ball to you. Feel free to tell us which was your favorite GSMArena article (review or news) for the past year.

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